Speed Optimization & Front End Performance Tips for Adobe Commerce

Looking at your lighthouse score can be quite disheartening if you are running an Adobe Commerce store. I have compiled some proven methods for speed optimization and front end performance guaranteed to increase your lighthouse scores.

Looking at your lighthouse score can be quite disheartening if you are running an Adobe Commerce store. However I have compiled some proven methods for speed optimization and front end performance guaranteed to increase your lighthouse scores.

If you’re looking to increase the front end performance and increase the speed optimization of an Adobe Commerce store, with an emphasis on lighthouse scores? Then Start here:

CSS Speed Optimization

Reduce unused CSS => https://developer.chrome.com/en/docs/lighthouse/performance/unused-css-rules/

Merge CSS => https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-admin/config/advanced/developer.html

Minify CSS => https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-admin/config/advanced/developer.html

Enable Critical CSS => https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/frontend-core/guide/css/critical-path

Create unique Critical CSS per page => https://github.com/Joshua34/CriticalCSSPerPage

JavaScript Speed Optimization

Fix any console errors

Ensure all scripts are running most up-to-date version

Filter all scripts and GTM tags to run on an “as needed” basis only

Minify JS => https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-admin/config/advanced/developer.html

Move JS to the bottom of the page => https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-admin/config/advanced/developer.html

As needed, exclude any critical scripts from being moved => https://magento.stackexchange.com/a/363633/5880

Install, generate, bundle, and enable MagePack => https://github.com/magesuite/magepack

Add <link rel=”preload”> to <head> for all generated magepack files

Image / Asset Speed Optimization

Check code for any duplicate calls to assets, scripts, fonts, etc

Remove any and all unused 3rd party modules, scripts, fonts

Ensure all external resources are running most up-to-date version

Add Assets to CSP Whitelist => https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/php/development/security/content-security-policies/#configure-csps-for-your-custom-codeextensiontheme

Lazy load all below-the-fold images => https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Performance/Lazy_loading#images_and_iframes

Add <link rel=”preconnect”> to <head> for any external critical assets => https://developer.chrome.com/en/docs/lighthouse/performance/uses-rel-preconnect/

Add <link rel=”prefetch”> (after browser idle) for anticipated resources => https://web.dev/link-prefetch/

Use http/2 delivery for all assets => https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/performance/http2-vs-http1.1/

If using cloudlfare, enable webp support => https://developers.cloudflare.com/images/polish/activate-polish

LCP Speed Optimization

Add fetchpriority=”high” to LCP element => https://web.dev/priority-hints/

Add <link rel=”preload”> to <head> for LCP & all critical assets => https://web.dev/preload-critical-assets/

Filter any font libraries loaded, remove unused glyphs => https://web.dev/font-best-practices/

Add <link rel=”preload”> to <head> for all external fonts => https://web.dev/optimize-webfont-loading/

Additional Speed Optimization

Cleanup site database

Fix any HTML code errors => https://validator.w3.org/

Serve cached resources to visitors => https://developer.chrome.com/en/docs/lighthouse/performance/uses-long-cache-ttl/

Install & configure varnish => https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/configuration-guide/cache/varnish/config-varnish.html

Run Magento in Production Mode => https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/configuration-guide/setup/application-modes.html


Speed Optimization and Front End Performance is both art and science. Please note that each website’s front end will require some level of personalization and customization to get right and which meets its exact requirements. Because I used these points as reference, it allowed me to improve my lighthouse score from a 49 to a 96. With this in mind I hope you can speed optimize your site and improve the quality and speed of your user experience.

I would love to assist you with optimizing your Adobe Commerce store, please reach out to me to start discussing your site’s needs.